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 世界资讯网特别报道 国家一级玄德地理风水传承人——朱光宗师

World headline network special report on the national first level Xuande geography feng shui inheritor —— Zhu Guang



  The long history of China has cast its brilliant local culture. Yi Xue is a bright pearl in Chinese traditional culture. In the long history of thousands of years, Yi has learned several changes, and finally derived the road of heaven and man, earth and man. As an outstanding figure in the field of Yi, Professor Zhu Guang has made new achievements in the field of Yi learning with his simple and profound foundation and the spirit of tireless exploration, and has made unremitting pursuit for the continuous innovation and development of Yi culture and serving the humanistic construction of the Party and the country. Keep up with The Times and guide us, and forge ahead in the new era together![Special report] Professor Zhu Guang, a famous senior feng shui scholar of I Ching and the ambassador of Chinese culture.




  Professor Zhu Guang was born in Zhen Village, Yuanzhou Town, Boluo County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province. He loves traditional Chinese culture and traditional Chinese medicine, and is keen on traditional Chinese traditional culture. And extensively communicate and learn with peers in the industry, improve the level of Chinese culture, make friends with famous entrepreneurs at home and abroad, and lay the foundation for the development of Zhouyi cultural industry. Since then, Professor Zhu Guang has used his knowledge to give full play to his skills, serve the society and benefit the people. Decades of diligent pursuit, difficult exploration, learn from others. Finally learn, become a example. Now the China academy of management science talent education training center visiting professor, decision-making, vice President of Chinese experts think-tank alliance, in July 2022, invited professor zhu as decision-making, Chinese influence database chief consultant, international easy by cultural institute, the famous network, senior researcher, member of China cancer association, Beijing council for the promotion of slow disease prevention and control of Chinese and western medicine, grassroots medical health committee council director.




In May 2023, it will enter the intangible Cultural Heritage project of the Institute



2023 年 4 月被评为中华人民共和国国家一级国学文化传承人

In April 2023, he was awarded as the national first-class inheritor of Chinese culture of the People's Republic of China



In March 2023, he was rated as "Senior Chief Expert of Easy Medicine"



  In order to better promote the scientific research and application of traditional Chinese culture, adhering to the innovative concept, gathering a large number of high-end talents, through the evaluation of the Chinese Academy of Management Science




In February 2023, he was named the Executive Director of China Yi Learning List




In October 2022, he served as the Ambassador of Chinese Culture Inheritance of Chinese Academy of Management Sciences




In October 2022, CCTV online live broadcast network and the organizing committee of the industry first model figures specially awarded the honorary title of "Contemporary Famous Master of Chinese Studies"



In March 2023, Professor Zhu was invited by the column "Decision China" to serve as the "Senior Researcher" of the Decision China Expert Think Tank Alliance









2022 年 7 月特邀请朱光教授担任决策中国专家智库客座教授

In July 2022, Professor Zhu Guang was specially invited to serve as a visiting professor of the Decision-making China Expert Think Tank







2022 年 6 月被聘为中国管理科学研究院人才教育培训中心客座教授

In June 2022, he was appointed as a visiting professor of Talent Education and Training Center of China Academy of

Management Sciences







  朱光教授从幼受到家庭教育的熏陶,小小年纪就明白悬壶济世、 救死扶伤,造福乡里这样的大道理。幼年的朱光耳濡目染,爷爷在 当时那个年代行医的艰辛,但是依然长期坚持行医,悬壶济世,被 当地老百姓传为美谈。到了父辈,本应该传承父辈的衣钵,继续将 中医传承下来发扬光大,却正值战争时期,父亲于 1947 年加入了 “东江纵队”。朱光先生从小听父亲讲爷爷行医的传奇事迹,内心深处似乎有声音在召唤他,幼小的心灵就萌发了从医治病救人的心愿,随着年龄的增长,朱光教授将行医药逐渐演化成自己的使 命。

  Professor Zhu Guang was influenced by family education from the young age, and understood that the pot can help the world, rescue the dying and benefit the village at a young age. Young Zhu Guang's light, grandpa at that time, but still adhere to the medical practice for a long time, to help the world, was spread by the local people. In my father, he should have inherited his mantle and continued to carry forward the traditional Chinese medicine, but it was during the war, and my father joined the "Dongjiang Column" in 1947. Mr.Zhu Guang listened to his father's legendary deeds about his grandfather practicing medicine. He seemed to have a voice calling him. In his young heart, he wanted to cure and save people from medicine. With the growth of age, Professor Zhu Guang gradually evolved medicine into his mission.





  朱光教授聪慧过人,睿智大度,在家父的耐心指导下,朱光教授对中医逐渐熟悉起来,随看治病救人案例增多,他的知识面越来越 宽,研究的理论也越来越深入,很快让他从一名中医门外汉变成有 丰富经验的中医大师。在此基础上,朱光教授诸关旁推,对中国的 国学、气功学也都进行了研究,由于他掌握了中医这门学科,对于 其它学科的学习来说也就很简单,很快他就掌握了中国国学的精 髓以及气功的治病人的精妙之处。学以致用,在治病救人期,朱光 大师将气功理疗与中医治病原理巧妙结合在一起,给患者用气功疗法疏通经脉,达到治疗病灶的目的,受到患者的广泛赞誉。

  Professor Zhu Guang was intelligent and generous. Under the patient guidance of his father, Professor Zhu Guang gradually became familiar with TCM. With the more cases of curing and saving lives, his knowledge became wider and wider, and his research theories became more and more thorough, which soon turned him into a master with rich experience. On this basis, Professor Zhu Guang pushed around Chinese Sinology and Qigong. Since he had mastered the subject of Traditional Chinese medicine, it was very simple for other subjects. Soon he mastered the essence of Chinese Sinology and the subtlety of Qigong. In the period of curing diseases and saving lives, Master Zhu Guang skillfully combined Qigong therapy with the principle of traditional Chinese medicine, used qigong therapy to dredge the meridians for patients, and achieved the purpose of treating lesions, which was widely praised by patients.





  只要是国学,朱光教授都要去研究,在闲暇之余,朱光教授一心钻研易经风水,在易经风水的研究过程中,朱光教授深有感触的说,易经オ是中华文化的精髓所在,学通了易经,其它学科都会融汇贯通。为了明白易经的精髓所在将中华文化传承并弘扬,为此朱光教授历时多年走遍祖国大江南北、山山水水,进行实地考研,从易经的 玄学理论到自然界的规律、从风水的演变到西方的环境学融汇, 朱光教授都逐一加以解释和引导,同时也加入了地理、天象气象、 哲学、历史等多方面的知识进行融合贯通,经过多年的潜心研究, 朱光教授已经形成自己对易经独特的理解与应用,并总结出一套理论和实践相结合的自己的周易风水学术体系。

  As long as it is Chinese studies, Professor Zhu Guang has to study. In his spare time, Professor Zhu Guang devoted himself to the feng shui of the Yi Ching. In the study of feng shui, Professor Zhu Guang said deeply that the Yi Ching is the essence of Chinese culture, and after learning the Yi Ching, other disciplines will be integrated. In order to understand the essence of the yi jing will the Chinese culture inheritance and carry forward, therefore professor Zhu Guang spent many years through the motherland great river north and south, mountains and rivers, field one's deceased father grind, from yi jing metaphysical theory to the law of the nature, from the evolution of feng shui to the western environment, professor zhu light, explained and guide, also joined the geography, celestial weather, philosophy, history aspects of knowledge fusion, after years of research, professor Zhu Guang has formed his unique understanding of the yi jing and application, and summarizes a combination of theory and practice of their own zhouyi feng shui academic system.


  其事迹还被邀请:中国医药教育协会、中医药特色技 术人才信息库,周易名家百科,国学人物百科数据库,国际新闻网、 中华人物榜、中国头条、中国当代名医网、人民新闻网、中国新 闻联播网、一带一路国家发展网、环球电视网、朝闻天下网、环球头条网、广东科技网、全球网官网、国医指南网、中国传播网、 CCTV 新闻报道、中华新闻网、华人日报网、焦点新闻网、人民 日报网、海外新闻网、全球报道网、深圳新闻网、中视快报网、 中国焦点新闻网、香港新闻网、环球人物网、国际网、中国专家 论坛官方网站(特别推荐栏目)、新华资讯网、腾讯网、中国专家 报道、一点资讯网、中国访谈网、新华资讯网、新华在线网、中 国新闻在线网、世界之窗网、台湾新闻网、中国资讯网、中国新 闻报道网、中华人物榜、天天快报网、每日资讯网、华夏热点网、 焦点中国网、中国国粹网、今日中国网、环球时报网、国际日报 网、中国企业家新闻网、中国资源新闻网、资讯中国网、中国财 经时报网、国际环球快报网、环球头条网、中国新闻资讯网、财富中国网、中国焦点网、传媒中国网、每日中国网、中国之窗网、 广东在线网、广东资讯网、中原网官网、人民新闻网、华人日报、 国际新闻界、华夏视点、中华精英网、中国传播网、新报网官方 网站、世纪辉煌百年传承官方网站、权威百科专家报道官方网站等争先报道,担任华夏名人访谈官方网站首席易学顾问,担任迅捷 新闻网客座教授,2022 年 6 月担任中国管理科学研究院人才教育 培训中心客座教授、 2022 年喜迎七一建党 101 周年二十家权威 网站重点推荐做报道、2022 年 7 月特邀请朱光教授担任决策中 国专家智库客座教授。

  His deeds were also invited: China Medical Education Association, the information database of TCM characteristic technical talents, Zhouyi Famous Scholar Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia database of traditional Chinese characters, International news network, the Chinese characters, Chinese headlines, Chinese contemporary famous doctor network, people's news, China news broadcast network, Belt and Road national development network, global television, the world, the global headlines, Guangdong science and technology network, global website, national physician guide network, China communication network, CCTV news, Chinese news, Chinese daily, focus news, People's Daily network, overseas news, global network, Shenzhen news, express network, network, China focus news, Hong Kong news network, global character network, international network, Chinese experts BBS official website (special recommendations), xinhua information network, tencent network, Chinese expert reports, information network, China interview network, xinhua information network, xinhua online network, in, the news online, the window of the world, Taiwan news, China information network, China news network, Chinese characters, daily letters, daily information network, Chinese hot network, focus of China, Chinese quintessence network, China today, the global times network, international daily, network, Chinese entrepreneurs news network, China resources news, information, China, China's wealth By the times network, the international global express network, global headlines network, China news information network, wealth, China focus network, media, daily China, the window of China network, Guangdong online network, Guangdong information network, the central plains website, people's news, Chinese daily, international press, Chinese viewpoint, the elite, network, new Chinese official website, century glorious one hundred official website, authoritative encyclopedia experts reported the official website rushed to report, As the chief yi study consultant of the official website of China celebrity Interview, Visiting professor of Fast Jet News, In June 2022, he served as a visiting professor of Talent Education and Training Center of China Academy of Management Sciences, in 2022, the 20th authoritative websites to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party in July 2022, and in July 2022, he specially invited Professor Zhu Guang to serve as a visiting professor of Decision-making Chinese Expert think tank.













  朱光教授出生于人杰地灵的广东惠州,历史悠久,人文底蕴深厚。 早在先秦时期,就有缚菱古国在罗浮山下的东江之开创岭南文化 之气。两千年来,先后有 400 多位历史名人客寓或履临患州,这其 中包括中国山水诗鼻祖谢灵运,中国古代医学家、化学家、将道 家学派宗教化的重要人物葛洪,一代文豪苏轼等等辛亥革命时期 孙中山在此领导过革命活动头一次国共合作期间,周恩 来在此 指挥过国民革命军东征战役。近代史上患州更是涌现了廖仲、邓 演达、叶挺等革命先驱,以及中国现代音乐奠基人之一的尚果、廖辅叔等文化名人。

  Professor Zhu Guang was born in Huizhou, Guangdong province, which has a long history and profound cultural heritage. As early as in the pre-Qin period, there was the spirit of Lingnan culture in the Dongjiang River under Luofu Mountain. For two thousand years, there are more than 400 historical celebrity guest or shoes in the state, including the Chinese landscape poetry Xie Lingyun, ancient Chinese medical scientists, chemists, will, important figures of religious GeHong, a generation of writer su shi and so on the revolution sun yat-sen led the revolutionary activity during the kuomintang and communist cooperation, zhou enlai commanded the national revolutionary army campaign. In modern history, there were many revolutionary pioneers such as Liao Zhong, Deng Yanda and Ye Ting, as well as cultural celebrities such as Shang Guo and Liao Fushu, one of the founders of Chinese modern music.




  本着“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”的精神让我国的瑰宝更 加的闪亮夺目, 目前易学的状态像是一盘散沙,学术水平日渐低下, 与古代易学的发展水平相距甚远。这大概与近年来发展过快所造 成的急功近利的风气有关,有很多事情盲目燥进,忽略了发展的稳 定性。朱光教授并没有因此而气馁,几十年的艰苦奋斗,几十年的勇往直前,他终于在理论研究上取得了令人瞩目的成绩。他的奋斗史无不让人们连连惊叹,让人竖起大拇指夸赞——他是一位真正值得尊敬和信赖的教授。

  In line with the spirit of "learning without thought is labor lost, and thought without learning is perilous", the treasures of our country are more dazzling, the current state of easy learning is like a mess, and the academic level is gradually low, which is far from the development level of ancient easy learning. This is probably related to the atmosphere of eager for quick success and instant benefits caused by the rapid development in recent years. There are many things blindly dry forward, ignoring the stability of development. Professor Zhu Guang was not discouraged. After decades of hard work and decades of courage, he finally made remarkable achievements in theoretical research. His struggle history all let people repeatedly amazed, let people thumbs up praise —— he is a truly respected and trusted professor.





  我国正在大力推动中华传统文化的全面复兴,易学作为国学文化的源头活水,必将重新焕发蓬勃的生机活力。那么如何引领新时代易学的发展自然离不开像朱光教授这样优秀的行业名家的率先垂范。最后,我们也预祝朱光教授在未来的易学征途上,牢记 初心使命,继续砥砺前行,为弘扬易学文化再添新功!

  China is vigorously promoting the comprehensive revival of the Chinese traditional culture. As the source of the Chinese culture, Yi Xue will surely regain its vigorous vitality. Then how to lead the development of easy learning in the new era naturally cannot be separated from the first example of such excellent industry masters like Professor Zhu Guang. Finally, we also wish Professor Zhu Guang to bear in mind the original mission in the future journey, continue to forge ahead, and add new achievements to the promotion of easy learning culture!

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